What the Bible Says…
People are searching for truth. Our series of What the Bible Says sharing tracts are designed to lead them in the right direction. Each tract focuses on a topic of current interest, features bold artwork, and includes an invitation for free Bible study. These tracts double fold to fit inside a standard #10 envelope. Include them in your bill payments, personal correspondence, and church communications!
What happens when someone requests Bible study?
We’re glad you asked! Respondents receive a mailed Bible study guide, and your church will be notified of interests generated in your area. Sharing tracts are available in packs of 20, and can also be mailed to every mailbox in your ZIP code or neighborhood. For more information on EDDM mailings, please contact us. To order packs of 20, visit our online store.

What the Universe Reveals About God
This tract explores scientific lines of evidence in physics, astronomy, and human biology that point to an intelligent Creator. Emphasis is placed on the importance of the Biblical worldview versus an evolutionary worldview in living everyday life as a Christian.
The Foundation of Freedom
This tract reveals the foundation of civil and religious freedom in the Genesis 1 creation account. Share with your neighbors how freedom is a moral issue, that freedom is established on law, that freedom disappears without God, and how freedom is built on the principle of separation between powers within government, and between church and state.
Should the Church Direct the State?
This tract discusses historical and recent arguments that the church should direct the affairs of the state. The question is asked, If a theocracy was God’s will in ancient Israel, wouldn’t it also be today? A Biblical answer is provided with historical and prophetic support that the theocratical form of government ended when Babylon destroyed Jerusalem. God’s throne will not be reestablished on earth until Jesus Christ sits on the throne.