Our World is Changing
Are You Prepared for What Comes Next?
About this Seminar
Our world is changing. Nearly everyone seems to recognize this fact. But what does this change mean, and where is it leading? Revelation Unfolding is an action-packed Bible prophecy seminar that unfolds the Bible’s central prophecies, and reveals where we are today in the flow of prophetic time. Most importantly, Revelation Unfolding will show you, from the Bible, how to be prepared for the massive changes about to take place in our world.

Our world is rapidly changing. Nearly everyone seems to recognize this. However, many people don’t know where to turn for answers. Revelation Unfolding is an action-packed Bible prophecy seminar that unfolds the Bible’s central prophecies, and reveals where we are today in the flow of prophetic time.
The series begins with an emphasis on the trustworthiness of the Bible as the inspired Word of God. Arguments from science, history, archaeology, statistics, and other fields demonstrate the authenticity of the Bible as an inspired source, and build a solid foundation for later presentations.
Revelation Unfolding is a full-message Bible prophecy seminar that covers a wide range of practical, historical, and prophetic subjects. Most importantly, it emphasizes a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through faith in the power of God’s Word.
This seminar contains 25 presentations, and typically takes four weeks and five weekends to present. Shorter versions including two-week and one-week durations are also available.
1. CHAOS: Earth’s Approaching Crisis
What is happening to our world? Deadly diseases, fires, floods, and increasing civil unrest highlight a rapidly growing list of chaos and disasters that threaten Earth’s economic, political, environmental, and social fabrics. Are these just temporary problems? Or is a terrible crisis approaching?
2. ORDER: What the Universe Reveals About God
Genesis begins by stating that “God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Yet throughout history people have speculated about other ways in which life might have arisen on Earth. In the last 150 years, the theory of Darwinian evolution has countered the Biblical record of creation. What evidence exists to support the Bible record, and does it matter?
3. CONFLICT: Earth’s Final Empire
War has been a tragic aspect of life on earth ever since sin entered this world. In many ways it represents the very worst that fallen human nature can do to other people. Jesus predicted that war and conflict will continue and increase until the very end of time, when “nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” (Matthew 24:7). What does the Bible reveal about the history and future of war here on earth? What will be earth’s final empire?
4. UNEARTHED: Secrets From the Ancient Past
Many people today consider the Bible to be simply a collection of myths, fables, and legends. Its early history, in particular, is often dismissed as allegory or religious propaganda. What does archaeology reveal about the Bible’s accuracy and reliability?
5. DELUGE: Scientific Evidence for a Worldwide Flood
Noah’s construction of the ark and the global flood that followed is one of the best-known stories in the Bible. But is it true? The world today regards this story as nothing more than religious folklore, a fantastic legend arising from the foggy shadows of mythology. Does any scientific evidence exist to support the Genesis record of universal destruction by a global flood?
6. REVOLUTION: The Cause of Suffering
According to the Bible, God created a perfect world. It was a beautiful planet without sin, suffering, or death. Where, then, did these curses come from? Is God somehow to blame for the misery and pain we experience? What kind of God is the God of the Bible? These are important questions, and the Bible provides answers that reveal the origin of sin, and God’s solution to it.
7. ESCAPE: How to Prepare for Satan’s Final Deception
The Bible warns that many people living on earth won’t be prepared for Jesus Christ’s second coming. What does the Bible say about Christ’s return, and how to be ready for it?
8. PREDICTED: The Bible’s Most Amazing Prophecy
Many Bible prophecies focus on past and future events. But one prophecy stands out above all the others—the prediction of the coming of a Savior to forgive and rescue people from sin. Was Jesus Christ of Nazareth really the long-awaited Messiah spoken of so frequently by the Old Testament prophets?
9. DESTROYED: The Power of Sin Broken
Satan’s revolution caused a lot of problems in heaven, and on earth. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God and sinned, humanity was instantly plunged into an abyss of suffering, misery, and death. The true fruits of sin were realized only after it was too late. What is God’s solution to the sin problem? How can we be saved from this enemy that threatens us not only externally, but from within our hearts and minds?
10. CONSPIRACY: The Grace Deception
Conspiracy theories have been around for a long time. Sometimes, however, these conspiracies turn out to be reality. Is it possible that many people today have fallen for an especially dangerous conspiracy, one that could have eternal consequences?
11. FORGOTTEN: A Day to Remember
Famines, fires, floods and earthquakes. Global pandemics and escalating social tensions. What is going on? Increasingly, scientists, business executives, politicians, and religious leaders point to the need for humanity to take a regular, recurring rest–a sabbath. Would the earth and humanity benefit from the Sabbath? What does the Bible say?
12. SURVIVOR: How to Prepare for the End
Everyone seems to love a great survival story. We thrive on stories about people who survive apparently impossible situations. In this lesson we look at the Bible’s ultimate survivor story, and apply its lessons to our lives today.
13. WATERSHED: Life’s Defining Moment
Perhaps you can remember exactly where you were when a particularly tragic or exciting moment happened in your life. These events often stand out in our memories as watershed moments—experiences that helped to shape and define who we are. One dark night Jesus spoke with Nicodemus, a Jewish ruler, about the new birth, life’s most important experience, one that determines our future through all of eternity!
14. AFTERLIFE: What Happens When We Die?
Life on earth is marked by one inescapable punction mark—death. Whether we are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, kind or selfish, famous or unknown, death stands waiting for every person at the end of life’s journey. What happens when we die? Fortunately, the Bible contains some clear answers to this very perplexing question.
15. CONNECTED: How to Participate in the Divine Nature
Human beings, it seems, have always dreamed of attaining a higher level of existence than what we now experience. Today, transhumanist philosophers and scientists claim that our natural physical and mental abilities could be greatly augmented by implanting biochips and other machines into our bodies. Some even promise that human consciousness will one day be uploadable into the digital cloud, making possible a type of immortality. What does the Bible say about humanity and the divine nature?
16. RESTORED: The Bible’s Prescription for Optimal Health
God created humanity with perfect health. After all, we were designed to live forever! Even after sin entered this world, nearly 2,500 years passed before the Bible’s first mention of sickness and disease (Exodus 15:26). What gifts of health did God give humanity in the Garden of Eden? Are these gifts still available to us today?
17. UNMASKED: Revelation’s Prophetic Powers, Part 1
Revelation’s climactic prophecies predict that earth’s final events take place under the influence and control of a “beast” that emerges out of the sea. Who or what is this entity that exerts worldwide power and eventually leads earth’s inhabitants to accept the mark of the beast? Let’s find out what the Bible says!
18. SECURITY: How to Find Financial Peace
Everybody wants to have financial security and stability. However, in today’s turbulent world, these often seem like impossible goals. You might be surprised how much the Bible has to say about money and our use of it. You might also be surprised at some of the promises God makes regarding money!
19. JUDGMENT: The Bible’s Longest Time Prophecy
Part of the first angel’s message in Revelation 14:7 is that the “hour of [God’s] judgment is come.” This announcement is in the present tense, so we can be sure that a time will come when it will be correct to say that God’s judgment is taking place. What else does the Bible tell us about God’s judgment?
20. TRANSFORMERS: Revelation’s Prophetic Powers, Part 2
Bible prophecy speaks about some of history’s greatest empires, including ancient Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. These prophecies identify some positive aspects of these empires, but also warn about their ultimate demise. In Revelation 13 a second beast arises from the earth with horns like a lamb, but a voice like a dragon. What does the Bible say about this modern-day empire?
21. ENDGAME: The Mark of the Beast
Pivotal moments in history often happen quickly, and frequently when people least expect it. Sodom was destroyed after two unassuming visitors spent the night there, and the ancient city of Babylon fell to the Medes and Persians during a party in the palace. Could the Bible’s mark of the beast come just as unexpectedly?
22. RESTORED: The Earth Made New
How will God finally end sin, sickness, suffering, and death? What does the Bible say about hell? Is it really a place of unending torture and torment? What is God’s plan for this world through eternity? In this lesson we look at some of the Bible’s most thrilling prophecies and what they reveal about a God of love.
23. PROPHECY: God’s Guiding Gift
Prophecy has always been important for God’s faithful people. It has provided hope, courage, and wisdom in times of darkness and persecution. What role will prophecy play at the end of time? How can we understand and accept this important gift?
24. DEVOTED: The Joy of Sacrifice
Sacrifice is a word that often carries negative connotations. We are repulsed by the thought of the animal sacrifices required in the Old Testament, and often get uneasy contemplating much less gruesome forms of sacrifice, such as giving up a treasured possession for a good cause or for someone in need. The Bible, however, speaks about the joy of sacrifice. What is this, and how can we experience this God-given joy?
25. CALLED: Standing for God in a Flat World
Daniel 3 records the story of three young Hebrew captives who chose to face death rather than bow down before the Babylonian king’s golden image. When the king attempted to execute them by casting them into a fiery furnace, the Son of God appeared beside them and rescued them. Today God is calling people to stand for Him like those three Hebrews did so long ago. Will you answer His call?