Your contribution enables us to continue sharing the Bible’s message for toay. Thank you for partnering with us!
How to Donate
All donations are secured and encrypted on our online payment portal.
Send your donation to Pathway to Paradise Ministries, PO Box 36, Macks Creek, MO 65786.
Call us toll-free at (855) 447-8788.
Estate Planning
Talk to us about including Pathway to Paradise Ministries in your estate planning.
Current Projects
Digital Ministry Sign
We are beginning fundraising for an electronic road sign that will serve both Pathway to Paradise Ministries and Lake of the Ozarks Seventh-day Adventist Church. This will enable us to promote outreach and evangelism events to the local community.
Goal: $30,000
$16,000 Raised
Additional Studio Lighting
Our video studio sets are finished, but two additional ceiling-mounted lights with digital controls will help us to more efficiently and professionally produce materials in this space.
Goal Met – Thank You!
SabbathRest Video Production and Advertising
Help us to expand and enhance the online lesson studies at through engaging videos, as well as advertise the SabbathRest evangelism project to a wider audience.
Goal: $10,000
Goal Met – Thank You!
Donate Online
Click here to donate with ApplePay.

Donate by Phone
(855) 447-8788
Donate by Mail
PO Box 36, Macks Creek, MO 65786
Pathway to Paradise Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides training and resources in the areas of family, health, and the Bible. Pathway to Paradise Ministries neither solicits nor accepts money marked as tithe. We do appreciate your prayers, offerings, and financial support. Your generous donation will enable us to continue spreading the Bible’s message for today. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.