God the Holy Spirit

God the Holy Spirit

God the Holy Spirit Handout. Throughout Scripture, the Holy Spirit appears as the active Agent that carries out the will of God. From creation, to redemption, to re-creation, the Holy Spirit is essential to the accomplishment of the plan of salvation. What does the...
God the Son

God the Son

God the Son Handout. The Bible identifies Jesus Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King. As Prophet, He revealed what is possible for humanity through faith in God. As Priest, He provided atonement for sins and promises to give His power to those who ask. As King, He will...
The Godhead

The Godhead

The Godhead Sermon notes. The ancient pagan religions believed in a pantheon of gods that often reflected the worst of human passion and weakness. What does the Bible tell us about the Godhead, and how is the living God different from the pagan gods? What does Jesus...
The Word of God

The Word of God

The Word of God Sermon Notes: The Word of God. What is the purpose of the Holy Scriptures? Who wrote the Bible? How does the process of inspiration work? How accurate is the Bible? What internal evidence supports the authority of Scripture? Discover the Bible's answer...